Every Nook & Cranny

A vision God walked me through:

We walk into our room at the end of a long day, and we go straight to occupy only certain spaces that we have gotten used to being in.
Our beds, our desks & chair, our closets.
Spaces that are familiar - forgetting about the parts of our room that daily go unnoticed.
Under our beds, the sides of our bookshelves, the deep corners of the room.
Spaces that collect dust and don’t easily come into our line of vision.
The nook & crannies that are left in the dark, inside the very place we spend the most of our time in.

Yet God, whose Presence is one that wants to occupy our hearts fully, kindly asks of us:
“Will you invite me into your room? Into every little corner, every little space, every little nook & cranny? It is where I want to dwell. In all of it.”

And suddenly comes the revelation that I have been occupying so little of such a big space.
That I have left those seemingly unimportant areas empty for much too long.
And as we sweep up the dust, open our windows & let the sun shine into the darkest parts of the room,
We see that it looks entirely different than what we have defined it to be.

He is inviting us into a season of noticing the extra space in our hearts we thought we didn’t have,
And our capacity begins to grow in those areas
As we are no longer stuck in a tight space with little wiggle room,
But free to roam with endless room to explore.
And though, what those unoccupied areas represent looks different for each & every one of us,
It is His goodness that invites us into a posture of asking Him to flood in
And experience for ourselves how He transforms the very place that He dwells
So that day by day, it becomes one step closer to the beautiful altar He dreams of residing in.

It is my greatest desire to honor Him with a pure heart
Giving up every little nook & cranny to the One who shows up
Into every inch, every crack of this soul of mine
Till His love is the only thing that shines through
In a room that I thought I only needed to occupy all this time.




Vanilla Candy - a poem